Advice Sheets Updated and Extended ! 

 John Trory's advice pages have now been updated with additional useful tips and information.

 Check out the changes here.

Welcome to the Road Runners Club

NEW WEBSITE COMING SOON!  All memberships to be completed on new website.

What do we offer to members?

We provide a range of benefits for both novice and experienced runners. RRC membership can add a lot to your enjoyment of running. Go to the joining the RRC page to see details.

You can also join our Facebook group, which is for members only.  This includes latest News from RRC members.

Training for Ultra Running by Andy Milroy

This book is a mine of information for both Ultra Runners and for anyone interested in distances in excess of the Marathon. RRC members can obtain a copy for £10.00 plus £1.00 p&p (uk only). Go to the Merchandise page of the Members Area to place your order.

Roadrunner - the journal of the RRC

Roadrunner is the journal of the RRC and is published and sent to members 3 times a year with a wide range of content on all aspects of running. A recent issue of Roadrunner can be read by clicking here

The John Jewell Bequest 

The late John Jewell, an ex-President of the RRC, has given a very generous bequest to the RRC. 

Select the films you wish to see from his archive from the film archive menu link above.

The RRC Championships

The results for the Championships for can be viewed on the "Club Championship" tab. Please email your results to John Trory.

The RRC Constitution

The affairs of the Club are controlled by its constitution, which can be downloaded in PDF format by clicking here.

Members' area

This site has an area for members only, including: Club Merchandise; the Club's Standards Scheme; Affiliation Details; Training Tips.

You get to it by clicking the top menu button "Members' Area" and will then find a page requesting your RRC number and postcode. 





Road Runners Club

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